Sunday, March 31, 2024

Don't You Forget About [This Custom Card]

I've created a custom card that features quite an interesting assortment of characters.

There's a Brain. 
An Athlete. 
A Basket Case. 
A Princess. 
And a Criminal.
If you're a fan of '80s movies, you might have already solved this one.

It's The Breakfast Club!
On Saturday, March 24, 1984, those five students—each from different cliques and with different attitudes—reported for detention at the Shermer High School library. And if you've seen the film, you know that it turned out to be quite a memorable day for all of them. What better way to commemorate it than a custom card?
Regarding the design, I felt John Bender was a natural fit for the middle spot. (He's probably the guy who was in detention the most that year, right?) And the text across the top worked out very well. I was able to add the year, name of the high school, and title of the film. Nice and neat.
Let's have a look at the card back now.

Similar to the card backs in the 1980s film stars set, I added a graphic across the top, based on the design that was used for some of the film's movie posters and VHS cassette boxes. Along the bottom I've added the "stats" line, which provides a nice bit of history for all the movie buffs out there. The card number is 2 because it follows the first card in this growing set, which was based on the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

As for the actors on this card, wow. You've got some 1980s legends. In fact, they were all members of a star-studded group called "The Brat Pack". Various combinations of The Pack appeared in big films of the era like The Outsiders, Sixteen Candles, St. Elmo's Fire, Pretty in Pink, Weird Science, and more. 
But I don't think any of the other Brat Pack films were as big as The Breakfast Club. I mean, come on. Scroll back up and read the title of this blog post again, and tell me you won't immediately have that song from Simple Minds in your head.

So that's that. Another custom card complete. Hope you enjoyed it!
Do any of you collectors have detention stories from your high school days? Did you ever have trading cards confiscated by a teacher? Feel free to share your experiences in the comment section. (As long as they're rated PG.)


  1. No experience with detentions, I was a good boy lol.

    But the first time I ever watched this movie was my sophomore year of high school. Will always be one of my memories

    1. Great age to watch that movie for the first time, Matt. Keep being a good boy ;-)

  2. Awesome job on the custom! The Breakfast Club is my easily my favorite John Hughes film.

    I don't remember ever getting detention in school. I'd have to sit on the bench once or twice a year during recess for some shenanigans. Got into a fight in middle school and my parents chose to have me swatted by the assistant principal over a two days suspension. Detention was never on the table, although I wish it was... because getting hit was not fun. And although I'm sure teachers in high school held detention after school (maybe even on Saturday)... I can't remember doing anything that bad to earn it.

    Don't remember any specifics in regards to teachers taking my cards... although I'm sure it happened. As a teacher, I'll confiscate cards every now and then. I just give it back to them at the end of the period. I guess if it was a repeat offender... I'd have their parents pick them up, but can't remember that happening in the past ten-plus years.

    1. Oof. Sitting on the bench at recess. That's a cold, cold punishment.

    2. Much better than getting swatted :D

  3. I hate to say it, but this was my least favorite of the John Hughes pictures from that era. I think I've only ever been able to make it all the way through the film once.

    1. You know what? I like quite a few of Hughes's films more than The Breakfast Club, too.

  4. My wife loves The Breakfast Club. I'm not a big John Hughes movie fan, but this one is relatable and I guess it's my favorite.

    I was in detention once that I remember, it was one of those trumped-up charges things, a few of us were in the bathroom 5 seconds after the recess bell rang or something. I just remember sitting in detention being resentful the whole time.

    1. Dang, 5 seconds after the bell? You're a bad egg, Night Owl...

  5. I haven't seen this movie in it's entirety, just various clips and segments here and there. Guess I'll have to get to it one of these days.

    1. Not a bad film to add to your list, Jafronius. Always good to see you here on the blog!
