Sunday, October 8, 2023

I Know You Know Some of These Catchphrases

Ah, the TV shows of yesteryear. So classic. So memorable.
Sure, they were usually a little more predictable than modern-day examples. In fact, some of them seemed to flat-out follow the same formula each and every episode. But that's not always a bad thing, especially when you consider that those cookie-cutter formulas brought us some of the most memorable catchphrases in the history of television. Take these three, for example:

For those of you familiar with these characters, some vivid sights and sounds are likely rolling through your mind right now. A small group of words can be a pretty powerful thing, when you think about it.

Now of course, catchphrases didn't stop in the decades that followed (think Steve Urkel's "Did I do that?", Joey Tribbiani's "How you doin'?", or even Michael Scott's "That's what she said"). But those previous decades can't be beat. Why?
Well, even if you didn't grow up watching TV shows of the time, it's very likely you've at least heard some of their associated catchphrases used in casual conversation—maybe even all three shown on the custom card above, which becomes the third card in this growing collection based on the 1971-72 Topps Hockey set. (High School Absence Leaders is card #1, and Cartoon Catchphrase Leaders is card #2.)
Let's look at who rounds out the top 10 on the card back.

Similar to the Cartoon Catchphrase card, I tried to make the top 10 for this card fairly accurate based on the character's popularity, how long the TV show ran, and how well known the catchphrase seems to be. 
The column on the right shows the fictitious number of times each character uttered their catchphrase. (I'm sure someone out there has catalogued exact totals for some of these characters, but I'm not that guy, and contrary to what that guy would say, I don't think accuracy is really needed here.)

As for characters who may have been snubbed? If you go back a little farther in time, Ralph Cramden's "One of these days, Alice..." would have to be up there. Same thing for Ricky Ricardo's "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do..." 
But I think the card has a pretty solid list as is.

So what do you say? Do you have a favorite catchphrase from the list? Did I pick a worthy group of TV characters for the top 10? Is there anyone else you would have added?
Let me know in the comment section, and thanks for reading!


  1. Nicely done. Does Fonzie's "ehhh" count as a catchphrase?

    1. Hmm. I'd say sure, why not? I'd have to do some research on the correct spelling, though ;-)

  2. The only other one that just came to mind right away is Col Hannibal Smith from The A-Team. "I love it when it plan comes together." That had to have been said nearly every episode.

    1. I thought of that as well! It was just a little too long to fit on the back of the card without spilling over to a second line, and I needed the real estate. Great to see you here on the blog, my friend!

  3. "Just the facts" -- Joe Friday
    "Yabba Dabba Doo" -- Fred Flinstone

    You could also do one with game show catchphrases. "Come on down". "Survey says!" "Big bucks, no whammies!" "You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" and so on.

    1. I've got Fred covered in a separate card (Cartooon Catchphrase Leaders). The Joe Friday quote is a good one, for sure! As for game shows, yes, there's probably enough content for a top-10 list. heheh.

  4. Maxwell Smart - "Would you believe . . . "

  5. I thought I read somewhere that Ricky never said " Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do" on the show, just a variant of it, but the catchphrase stuck. Same deal for Kirk's "Scotty, beam me up."

    I second The A-Team and Get Smart (throw "missed me by that much!" on the list too!). I also like Fred Sanford's "It's the Big One! You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to you!" and Fantasy Island's "Look Boss, the plane! The Plane!" Great new card addition!

    1. All good additions, Jafronius! If there were more room on the card, it could have easily been a top-15 instead of a top-10.
