Sunday, December 15, 2019

Two Timeless Beverages

While preparing a big stack of 1990-91 Upper Deck hockey cards for a trade, I came across a bit of an anomaly. Have a look at the player names on these two cards, which happen to fall right next to each other in the set:

#124 Paul Coffey and #125 Bob Beers

Ah, coffee and beer. Two timeless beverages that many people can't seem to do without. 

Do you think someone at Upper Deck was exhibiting their sense of humor by placing these two cards next to each other? Well, at first I wasn't convinced. But not much farther into the stack I came across another two, also consecutive:

#98 Garth Butcher and #99 Daniel Shank

Butcher and Shank. Hah. 

Well, now I had to look through the rest of the set. 

And I did. Thoroughly.

Although I didn't find any other consecutive cards featuring food or drink pairings, there were some other food-related names scattered throughout. In fact, along with the Coffey and Beers, it turns out that you could put together a pretty decent meal. Here's the menu:

#543 Kari Takko

Appetizer: Takkos

#99 Daniel Shank

#30 Basil McRae and #146 Jari Kurri

#462 Steven Rice
Main course: Lamb Shank in a Basil and Kurri sauce, served over Rice

#173 Adam Oates and #131 Dirk Graham

Dessert: Oates bar with Graham cracker crumble and icing 

Icing. Please don't boo me for adding that hockey rule to the dessert.

Overall, a pretty good meal from one single hockey set, yes? 

I'm sure there are plenty of other food-related names out there in the sports world. (Coco Crisp, anyone?) Can you think of any? Leave some examples in the comment section.


  1. That is a fun observation! I had no idea Coffey and Beers were next to each other in the set, and I've had it in my collection (on and off) for 28 years! Maybe if I'd put the cards in Nine Pockets instead of a monster box...

    I still haven't had my morning beverage yet, so the only other food pairing I can think of at the moment is Todd Burger blocking for John Friesz. Burger is from my hometown, but he didn't have any NFL cards. Friesz is pronounced "freeze" so this fails all around. If I think of a better example I'll write it down and let you know.

    1. For the sake of this exercise, I think we can make an exception for the pronunciation of Friesz. Got to have burger and fries on the menu.

  2. There were a couple food names in my Thanksgiving post from 2018.

    1. Wow. A baseball player with the surname Gobble. And a good overall meal there, Night Owl!

  3. My favorite has always been Pork Chop Pough. Too bad he never made it to the majors.

    1. That's a new one to me. I wonder if they announced him as "Pork Chop" whenever he came to bat.

  4. There is always Jim Korn from your previous post!

    1. Excellent observation, Sean! (and thank you for reading the blog)

  5. How about a little fruit salad? Darryl Strawberry, Eli Apple (football), Ty Cobb aka Georgia Peach, Don Cherry (hockey commentator), Milt Plum (football), and Chet Lemon.

    1. Well played, Fuji. Add that to the menu during the summer months.

  6. Icing. That hurt a little. Fun post, Niner!
