Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Custom Card Featuring Three Degenerates

I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that the 1980s marked a Golden Age of wrestling. 

Case in point? Tell me this list of names doesn't give you some of that "excited little kid about to watch Wrestlemania" energy:

Hulk Hogan
Andre the Giant
Macho Man
Rowdy Roddy Piper
King Kong Bundy
Superfly Snuka
Rick Rude
Jake the Snake
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
The Ultimate Warrior
And the list goes on. (Let's not forget about Ric Flair.)

It's not that I'm being critical of the wrestling eras that have followed. Truth be told, after the late-1980s, my wrestling knowledge is pretty much zero. It's just hard to top the cast of characters I grew up with.
Regardless, the sport still exists on the grand stage, and it certainly still seems to be theatrical and entertaining. In fact, it's entertaining enough that a client asked me to design a custom card featuring three wrestlers who were members of what he referred to as "D-Generation X".
Their names were Shawn Michaels, Triple-H, and Chyna. I'd heard of all three before the custom card request came in, but could I tell you anything significant about any of them? 
So for a while, I debated on whether I even wanted to design the card.
However, I started thinking that maybe this client was a good decade younger than I was, and that Shawn Michaels, Triple-H, and Chyna were to him what guys like Hogan, Macho Man, and Warrior were to me. So I took on the project, and asked him to provide more information about the trio, as well as what sort of design he was thinking about.

He replied with some good info, including a request to use the 1982 Topps "Future Stars" template. Soon I was getting to work. 
Here's the result.

I made the sky in the background a touch darker and more foreboding than usual. Feels fitting for these characters, who were three original members of D-Generation X. (The group formed in the late 1990s.)
As for the name, it seems like another wrestling legend, Bret Hart, once described Michaels and Triple H as "degenerates" because of their attitudes and actions. Combine that word with the fact that they were wrestlers of the Generation X era, and the term was coined. D-Generation X.
All three members are retired from active wrestling now. (And sadly, Chyna passed away in 2016.) But Michaels and Triple H have maintained their influence on the sport. At the time of this writing, Levesque is the Chief Content Officer and Head of Creative for WWE. Michaels is Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative at NXT, which is a division of WWE.
Pretty good for a couple of degenerates.

Now here's a look at the back of the card:

In my research, I discovered that two of the three wrestlers were trained by Killer Kowalski. That seemed like great content to add. I also found the finishing move for all three wrestlers, which I think is a fun addition. Here's a look at "The Pedigree", as performed by Chyna:

In any case, that's another custom card in the books. This was definitely a fun project, and I'm glad the client enjoyed the way the card turned out.

Now a question for you:
Who's your favorite wrestler, regardless of the era?
Thanks for reading, as always!


  1. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
    Cutting the dude's hair off after beating him was the ultimate boss move.
    I never really got into wrestling though. I watched just enough to know who the big names were.

    1. Oh man, I totally forgot about Beefcake, hahah. You're right. That really was a boss move.

  2. I think my all-time favorite is probably Chris Jericho. My peak wrestling fandom was the WCW Nitro era.

    1. I missed that whole era, but I know that Jericho was a big name.

  3. I used to get up on Sundays and watch wrestling as a kid. The Gagne's, Ventura, Iron Sheik, Mad Dog Vachon or Baron Von Rashke were all favorites. I started watching again in the 90's when the Rock was hugely popular but really haven't paid much attention since then.

    1. Watching wrestling on the weekends back then was pretty cool, for sure!

  4. Back in the mid to late 80's, I was a big WWF fan. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd say Ricky The Dragon Steamboat. But I was also into The Junkyard Dog, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, and The Road Warriors. I stopped watching after high school... but when I started teaching... my students were really into it. So I watched it to see what all of the hype was about. It was a really cool era of wrestling... with The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Degeneration X. Although when I watched them, they were made up of HHH, Chyna, X-Pac, and The New Age Outlaws.

    1. Oh man, the Road Warriors. Junkyard Dog. Steamboat. Great additions there, Fuji! So many fun characters.

  5. Rowdy Roddy Piper was always a favorite, and I was a big fan of The Hart Foundation!

    1. Good selections there, Matt! We were certainly spoiled for choice back then.
