Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Cowboy Signed My Custom Card

When I'm writing down addresses on envelopes for custom cards that are going out, I usually don't pay much attention to the specific information. Once in a while I'll notice a town's name if it's wacky or interesting, or if a card is going to a state that I don't often send to, like Hawaii or Nebraska or something, but that's about it.
However, a few months ago, I paused as I wrote a person's name on an envelope:
Burton Gilliam
This particular Mr. Gilliam had a mailing address in Texas. As for the card that was ordered? It was a few copies of this one. (Note the name of the actor on the bottom left.)
Could the cards be going to the very same Burton Gilliam who played the character of Lyle in Blazing Saddles? Excitedly, I looked at the transaction record and found the buyer's name.
Nope. It didn't match. 
However, I figured I'd contact the buyer anyhow, because hey, if these cards were actually going to Burton Gilliam the actor, I wanted to send my thanks—and maybe a few extra copies of the card.
Soon enough, an email reply came in...
The cards were, in fact, going to Mr. Gilliam the actor!
I turns out that the buyer was a good friend of Mr. Gilliam's, and wanted to send him a few copies. How cool.
But wait, that's not all. 
The buyer was more than kind, and he and I struck up an email conversation. And when I say "more than kind", I mean it. Soon enough, I learned that Mr. Gilliam liked the card so much that he wanted to autograph a copy for me!

It didn't take me long to respond. I sent a few more copies of the card along with a self-addressed stamped envelope, and within a couple of weeks, this beauty was in my possession.

Mr. Gilliam even sent back more than one signed copy.
But wait, that's still not all!

Mr. Gilliam is such a nice and personable guy that he sent me a video thank-you message as well! 
I won't show it here for the sake of privacy, but I'll tell you that he was even wearing a cowboy getup quite similar to the clothing and stetson he wore in Blazing Saddles. The video also made it clear to me that Mr. Gilliam is still going strong into his 80s. He seems young and spry and joyful—the embodiment of the philosophy that age is just a number.
What a cool guy.

A big thank-you to Burton Gilliam, and his good friend who made all this possible. The autographed cards will have a very good home in my box of favorite cards.


  1. Good stuff.
    It's a popular movie. He should be proud.

  2. That is very, very cool on multiple levels. Obviously... your custom is cool. But the fact that one of the subjects appreciated it and signed a copy for you is the coolest. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks very much, Fuji! Mr. Gilliam seems like such a great guy, too, which only adds to your coolness rating.

  3. That's awesome! And well deserved.

  4. Wow! That is super cool, nice job!

  5. Love it! I had a similar experience a few years back with Art LaFleur (Babe Ruth in The Sandlot).. definitely a highlight of my time in the hobby.

    1. Just visited your blog and searched for that story. Such a highlight, Gavin! Congrats to you. (The Big League custom is my favorite of the three.)

  6. That is so cool!

    When the first TCMA sets came out in the late 1970s, a lot of their early subjects were living players who didn't have cards, so it would be something for autograph collectors. There's probably a market for cards of actors like Gilliam who don't have cards, so autograph collectors would have something to send. You would probably need to create your own design though.

    1. Thanks very much, Bo! Pretty good idea on the actor cards, too. It's just this pesky 9-to-5 job thing, I tell you what.

  7. I know him best for The Night That Panicked America, as well as some his late 70's/early 80's television appearances, but given how popular Blazing Saddles was, I would imagine that a lot of people would be looking for items related to that film for him to sign.

    1. You're correct there, sir. (The only other thing I can say at the moment is, "Stay tuned for the next part of this story.")

  8. Oh wow that is so amazing!! I loved Blazing Saddles as a kid (still do) and he was one of the more memorable characters in it (even though he was a bad guy!) That scene where he starts singing the Camptown Ladies and dancing until Slim Pickens' character comes in guns blazing to tell him to knock it off is a classic!

    1. "What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?!"

      One of my favorite quotes in the film. (And stay tuned for more on the Camptown Lady thing. That's all I can say for now.)
