Sunday, February 25, 2024

Custom. . . Custom. . . Custom Card, Ho!!!

Watch this introduction:

All around, I think it was a fantastic effort from the creative team—animators, musicians, lyricists, writers, producers, you name it. I mean, tell me you don’t want to watch at least one episode of the show, just to see those ThunderCats battle the bad guys.
There's just one thing: The mid-1980s marked a golden age of animated shows, and the ThunderCats were up against some stiff competition. I only speak for myself, but the time I did spend watching cartoons back then was split more between The Transformers and G.I. Joe than anything else. (And that's not to mention other big action hits, like Voltron.) Those ThunderCats just didn’t manage to squeeze themselves into my TV time very much. 
However, they did have a cult following. And they still do. So a few months ago I decided to give them a fair shake by watching the first dozen or so episodes.
Here's what I'll say. Although it’s difficult for a show to live up to such a captivating introduction and theme song, I was definitely impressed by the creative storylines and various characters. If you were a kid who was into Lord of the Rings fantasy-type stuff back then, you'd have really been into this show.
I’d still rank it below some of those other notable franchises of the '80s, but I was inspired enough to create a custom card. After all, as far as I know, the original ThunderCats series didn’t receive an official trading card set like some of the other big hitters of the era. And with four main characters, a “team leaders” style of card was perfect. Here it is.


I used the 1974-75 Topps hockey card design as a base. You'll see that I added each character's occupation/skill underneath their name, which works out nicely in a "gaming card" sort of way. As for the larger design, my first idea was to replace the hockey stick that ran down the left side of the original card with the fabled Sword of Omens. However, the curved handle-guard of the sword took up too much real estate. It would have covered over part of Panthro, much of that terrific ThunderCats symbol, and some of the text to the right as well. So I went without it.
Besides, the Sword of Omens represents the good guys, and I couldn’t just make a card for them when there were four memorable villains to feature as well.

I went with the terrifyingly transformed musclebound monster version of Mumm-Ra, but his weak, decrepit mummy form would have been an equally terrifying choice. As for the mutant henchmen, all three of them made appearances right from the start of the series, so they're fitting entries for sure.
So that's that. Another two customs completed. I'm happy with the way the cards turned out, and I especially like the way they look together. I'm interested to see what kind of reception they receive.

Any ThunderCats fans out there? Favorite character?

Share in the comment section, and thanks for reading!


  1. Another awesome custom! I remember the Thundercats, but was more into Transformers & GI Joe. My friends and I would annoy the hell out of each other by going around and saying "snarf, snarf" though. That's probably my fondest memory related to the show.

    1. Thanks, Fuji! Seems like we had similar childhoods in that respect. "Snarf" was definitely a term of annoyance back then, heheh.

  2. Love it. Thundercats was probably my second-favorite cartoon back in the day. Nothing could top He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

    When you have some free time, check out the 2011 Thundercats. It's really well done, but only lasted one season. Whatever you do, though, stay far far away from the "Thundercats Roar" from 2020.

    JT, The Writer's Journey

    1. Good tip on the 2011 version, thank you Jason! As for "Thundercats Roar", I remember seeing an advertisement for it a couple of years ago, and based on those 15 seconds or so, I decided to skip it. Hah.

  3. To this day I still wonder why Slithe isn't called toad-man or something on par with the rest of the uninspired names in the show....

    1. You know what, Matt? I've never thought of that. It's a very good question. Maybe the writers came up with the name Slithe first, and then just got lazy when naming the rest of the mutants.

  4. More great memories for me captured by you on cardboard!

    1. Happy to hear that, Matt! Always great to see you stop by the blog.

  5. Great custom as usual! Thundercats was probably 4th on my list after Transformers, GI Joe, and He-Man, but that Mumm-Ra transformation sequence was real impressive and scary!

    1. Much appreciated, Jafronius! And I agree. The animators really captured something frightening with those Mumm-Ra transformations. I was always happy when the Thundercats were able to subdue him.

  6. Mumm-Ra is my all-time favorite animated villian. There's a video on YT of like nine minutes worth of his transformations that I go back and watch about every 3-4 months. It never fails to make me smile (and also make me a tad bit depressed too).

    1. I'm going to have to look for that video, Jon. But maybe not late at night... when the wind is blowing... and there are shadows moving around outside the windows.
