Sunday, March 20, 2022

Board Advertisements on Cards, Episode 2: Volkswagen

Way back in 1978, the NHL allowed teams to start selling advertising space along the boards of their rinks. By the time I was a hockey card–collecting kid in the late 1980s, the trend had caught on. From snack foods to car manufacturers to banks to fast food restaurants, board advertisements really ran the gamut—and they still do.

This series will explore some of the advertisements that also managed to make their way onto hockey cards.
Previous entries are available here.
1991-92 Pro Set #183, Jaromir Jagr

Here's Jaromir Jagr on his 1991-92 Pro Set hockey card. On the boards behind him is an advertisement that features a very well-known logo, clear as day.
Whether it makes you think of a van from the '70s, a Beetle from the '80s, a sporty GTI from the '90s, or anything else, there's no mistaking that the advertisement on this hockey card is for Volkswagen.
But look at the text to the left of the logo. It doesn't read "Volkswagen". It's another German word that was featured in a popular VW ad campaign of the era:
Okay, it's not an actual word, but a combination of two German words (fahren, "to drive," and Vergnügen, "enjoyment").
And if you were around in the '90s, you might very well remember the campaign. I feel like those Fahrvergnügen TV commercials and magazine ads and t-shirts and bumperstickers were everywhere for a while—even on the boards at an NHL arena!

Here's an example of a magazine ad with some nice graphics.

And here's an even niftier TV commercial.

The ads were so prevalent (maybe even pervasive) for a while there that I wonder if they hurt sales instead of helped. But mostly I remember Fahrvergnugen as a catchy thing, in a good way.

How about you? Anyone remember the Fahrvergnugen ad campaign? Share in the comment section, and thanks for reading!


  1. I totally remember the Fahrvergnugen ad campaign. Back in the late 80's up through the 90's, I was a VW guy. I've owned several Beatles and Squarebacks. My buddy owned a sweet 23 window bus and a crew cab. Neither of us held onto them though. I'd love to one day buy a restored Karmaan Ghia though.

    1. Wow, nice work Fuji! A restored Karmann Ghia would be fun to own, for sure. Actually, any restored VW Beetle or Bus would be fun to own. What paint color would you go with?

    2. Sorry it took so long to reply. Even though I click the notify me button (as a creature of habit), I actually don't get comment notifications. Anyways... I was just going back and seeing if I had read all of your recent posts when I noticed your question. I'd go with probably red or black for the ghia... and seafoam green for a bus.

    3. No worries, Fuji. Good to know someone follows up on these comments! Seafoam green is a great choice for the bus. Maybe you'll find an old VW in a barn one of these days ;-)

  2. I do remember the commercials, haven't thought of the word in years until you brought it up.

    1. Same here, Night Owl! It definitely brought back some memories.

  3. I remember the ads. And I remember t-shirts that showed a stick figure drinking beers and said "Farfrompukin" or something like that. Yuck.

    1. Hah! I think I remember that spin-off, too. Good memory, Brett.

  4. I was around, but don't remember the slogan/campaign in the least.

    1. Might not be a bad thing, Jon. The ad campaign did get to be a bit much after a while!

  5. I do remember that ad campaign, and the Brett Favre "nickname" Chris Berman used on this 1993 Upper Deck card did not make sense without it.

    1. Hah! I must have missed that one. Good ol' Chris Berman.
